Sunday, December 29, 2013

Writing workshops starting up again

Those of you who follow this blog regularly know that I've been doing a series of writing workshops for several years now. They're published every Tuesday at 6:00 am Eastern (except when I forget!). I've had several guest authors this past year who've been gracious enough to lend their expertise as well.

You will also know that this month has been a bit of a mess for me. My parents have moved from their long-time home into a senior citizen apartment building and getting them from point A to point B has been a stress of enormous weight. My daughter (and I) auditioned for the Eric Whitacre/Disneyland World of Color collaboration and we both got in (use the link to see the official video). So of course, we had to go see it! She had her picture taken with Thor while we were there...I, of course, had my picture taken with Pluto. :)

My husband's family was going away for the holidays, so we had Christmas with them early, which meant shopping and wrapping for that side of the family had to be done ten days earlier than usual. My husband and I give an open house Christmas party every year (this was the 30th one), and that takes two days prep time and a day after of recuperation. This year we had 50 people attend, if you count our cat.

And then, there was Christmas itself, singing at Midnight Mass, enjoying a quiet day at home with our kids. It was a wonderful day. Boxing Day (not celebrated here in the US) found me ensconced on the couch all day long with book in hand (Brandon Sanderson's The Way of Kings. It's good. And it's taking me more than a day to read!).

So while I had a wonderful December, I didn't really get much writing done, either for the blog, the writing workshops or on a new story. That changes today. I've already written Tuesday's writing workshop, I'm writing this post now and will very shortly begin a brand-new Mystic Shade story. It feels good to be back at the keyboard!

One last thing: through the end of the month, the proceeds for Remembered Love will be donated to Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy in the name of Tania and AJ. Vercher. If you haven't gotten your copy yet, please do so. So far we've raised about $250 for this worthy cause. You can read the story here if you don't know what this is about.

Play safe!


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