On the writing front: SERVICES RENDERED is finished and off! Keep your fingers crossed! And of course, while I wait to hear, I've played around with a few other ideas. Mostly pulling out story starts from the past and re-reading them to see if any of the characters are ready to talk and take the story forward. I'll throw some new spaghetti this weekend, too, just to see what sticks.
Years ago, just after the release of Table for Four
And here we are, nine years and nearly a dozen and a half titles later and getting time to write is still the biggest challenge I face. I can retire from my day job in three years -- and watch out! Writing will then become my full-time "job." I can't wait :).
On the reading front: I've read only one book in the past few weeks, Vinyl Leaves: Walt Disney World and America
I'm fascinated by the entire thing...and I'm learning some new vocabulary while I'm at it. His favorite word is "bricolage" -- a word I'd never heard of. The third time he used it I gave in and grabbed the dictionary. Basically it's a fancy way of saying "mishmash"-- as in a bricolage of stylistic elements. Who knows? Maybe I'll work it into a book of my own sometime!
The footnotes alone are worth the read. He has a wonderfully sly sense of humor that has made me laugh out loud several times, textbook or no. It ain't a beach read, but it is a lot of fun and I recommend it if you're a WDW fan (as I am!). The only problem is that it was published in 1992 and there have been some substantial changes in the intervening years. I'd love to see him take a stab at it again, updated for the new attractions, restaurants and shops.
So that's been my few weeks. My children were home for spring break and as a present they both brought colds home from their respective colleges. My husband was sick last week and he generously shared his cold with me. Stuffed up, laryngitis, aches and sore muscles -- I'm planning to spend the weekend in bed just trying to breathe.
Play safe!
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