I read a total of 36 books (I know, a paltry number compared to many of you, but remember, I have to balance my reading with my writing them for YOU to read! :) ).
Of that 36, five were biographies, three were straight fantasies, two were historical, two were historical romances (which moves them more to the fiction side than the historicals which were more factual based), one was Literature (with a capital L and nose in the air), five were young adult and eighteen were romances.
And here's the full list:
Gabaldon Diana Breath of Snow and Ashes
Gabaldon Diana Echo in the Bone
Bianculli David Dangerously Funny
McComber Debbie 92 Pacific Blvd
Gaiman Neil American Gods
Devereux Jude The Summerhouse
Devereux Jude The Duchess
King Laurie R Locked Rooms
Carlin George Last Words
Crystal Billy 700 Sundays
Sparks Nicholas Dear John
Bryson Bill Shakespeare: The World as Stage
Clarke Susanna Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Dorris Michael The Yellow Raft and Blue Water
Paulsen Gary Tiltawhirl John
Witton Dorothy Crossroads for Chela
Voigt Cynthia Jackaroo
Martin Kat The Handmaiden's Necklace
Drake Shannon Reckless
McNaught Judith Remember When
Fletcher Donna The Irish Devil
Litton Josie Dream Island
Cliff Nigel The Shakespeare Riots
Penman Sharon Kay Sunne in Splendor
Roberts Nora Black Hills
Sparks Nicholas The Lucky One
Rowling JK The Deathly Hallows
Penman Sharon Kay Here Be Dragons
Trueman Terry Cruise Control
Willig Lauren Secret History of the Pink Carnation
Willig Lauren Masque of the Black Tulip
Michaels Fern Wild Honey
Coulter Catherine The Heir
Willig Lauren Betrayal of the Blood Lily
Trueman Terry No Right Turn
Delinski Barbara Twelve Across
That's the list! Okay -- which ones did you read? Would you recommend them? Or did you read any of these because I brought them to your attention? Put your responses in the comments. I'll put your names in a hat and give a free download of one of my books (your choice) to one lucky commenter.
Play safe!
PS. I apologize for the lack of decent columns. There really should be a way to put a table into a blog post!
None of the above. I have a few of the books on your list sitting on my shelf to be read, but haven't read them yet.
Which ones, Lynn? I'm guessing some of the romances? :)
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