Which, of course, begs the question: How many did I write?
Compared to a professional
writer (one who solely makes her living at the writing craft), how do I (one
who has a day job that pays the bills and a writing career that, until I read
that post, I classified as mid-list. Compared to her and Joe Konrath, however?
I’m not even on the same roster) stack up?
I started tallying. For the sake of a full twelve months,
I started with September 28, 2011 and counted this blog post (written on September 29, 2012) as my year. I included published stories, unpublished files that go
with those stories (the “extra” scenes I cut out as well as my character descriptions),
and blog posts, both here and at the Scribes’. I did NOT include anything that
I wrote for my day job. The numbers that follow center only on my writing
Published stories 141,420
Un-pubbed “extras” 2,459
Stories started but not yet finished 18, 362
Blog posts (here) 52,685
Blog posts (Scribes) 3,655
218,581 words in a
year’s time
That number is SO much bigger than I expected. I knew I
wasn’t near a million, but to discover I’m only a bit shy of a quarter of a
million words?
You know I’m a data junkie, yet this was one stat I never
thought of keeping, so I don’t know how this past year lines up against
previous ones. I suppose I could go figure it out, but the numbers would be
approximate since I often start stories and then set them aside for months
(sometimes years!) at a time. Besides which, it would take time away from
writing, which is, after all, what I really should be doing.
I suspect there are others out there, part-time writers, who
write even more words in a year’s time than me. I take my hat off to them. I’m
not a nose-to-the-grindstone kind of gal and if I could accomplish this in a
year, imagine what you could do if you really tried!
You guessed it! Go back and total up everything you’ve
written since September 1, 2011. These workshops began that month, so anything
you’ve written for them counts.
Published or not, you ARE a writer, and that’s worth
celebrating. Post your totals in the comments. Come on, show me up!

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